Sometimes I just look up smile and say ‘I know that was you God! Thanks!’
Lalalala yesterday went just great :D You know, about the thing I had to go for that 'interview' for that job..well it turned out they didn't even interview me it was like- one look at me and..'yeah, you got the job. I'll call you tomorrow and you'll start your training' (!!!). I was so happy and still am of course :)
The company 'Herbalife' had a company presentation and it was great. I had never heard about it before, and it's pretty amazing. All natural ingredients and yeah, it WORKS. There were many who tried it and shared their opinions and reviews. Many lost weight, improved their health and even skin care and hair care :) I LOVE it already! You really earn a lot of money just by working with them and since I love nutrition, fitness, skin care and all that, I feel pretty comfortable and confident.
Now tomorrow at 11am I have to meet up with the manager and we'll start from there. I'm very excited for this and looking forward. Another good thing is that as part of training I have to try the products (makes sense!) soooo I'm going to try them and get them for free wohoo :) Oooh and tomorrow applications are available for that Beauty course which I'm starting in October.
This year is seriously going to be stressful- University, beauty course, one and a half jobs (I said half coz that job I just work maybe, once in 2 months?? it's a joke if I call that a job, that's why I said 'half' haha).
Everyone should check out Herbalife products!
Umm you know, you can tell me what you think about it by leaving a comment :) I'll personally post an honest review here as soon as I try the products myself and tell you all about them :) So I think that's basically all I have to say for now..laterssss x
Some pics I'm loving:

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