So today it's a random summer day for me...just relaxed and I was quite in a good mood:) But actually I'm gonna talk about yesterday. umm.. so I was browsing the internet and read about the harmful and dangerous chemicals found in skin care and hair products like Sodium Laureth Sulfate, PEG and anyway MANY others. When I read this I checked all my products like shampoo, hair products, moisturizers and cleansers bla bla (I have loadsss of products)..and they all contain these chemicals. I was like woah! what on earth am I gonna do about this??! Well I knew the answer though haha but it means more research and work for me- Organic and natural products. I do eat organic food sometimes ( not everything of course) and well I decided to start using natural things for my face and did my homework to do it the correct way :)Some are these:
As a natural face cleanser:
-Mix honey with lemon juice and apply on face with cotton pad.- You can also drink this by adding hot water to it- it's healthy.
As a toner:
-Organic green tea ( mine contains aloe vera as well). let it cool down and apply with cotton pad.
As for moisturizer I didn't know how to do one but I went and baught one it was about 12euros and it's only 30ml! Well anyway it's organic and I checked the ingredients and no harmful chemicals in it :) Sooo yeah, ALWAYS check ingredients before buying the product don't just read what it says in the front!
As face scrub:
-Mix honey,lemon juice,sugar
-Mix green tea with sugar
For acne:
baking soda mixed with water and apple cider vinegar are good!
I also tried a natural shampoo and it's quite good I did this like three times now:
baking soda as shampoo, rinse off and add apple cider vinegar then rinse.
then i use normal good conditioner ( to add some nice smell haha and it has less chemicals than shampoo). You can google these tips for more info :)
Last thing, to remove make up - olive oil or almond oil, both good but just make sure to rinse well especially if you have oily skin.
That's basically what I'm doing :) bye bye for now x